Sunday, 19 May 2024

Congratulations on your Engagement!


We understand that you have a lot on your mind. And although Destination Weddings can be a dream come true for you and your fiance, the last thing you need is anything getting in your way. Everything must come together; The location must be prepared and ready, legal requirements must be completed, and your guest need to arrive on time. We are here to assist you with all of the above and more! Here are a few things to know about Destination Weddings and why you should choose CBE Vacations -

Imagine Your World Dipped in Chocolate...


Destination Weddings Cost Less

Destination Wedding Usually Cost Less Than Traditional Weddings

Destination weddings have in recent years become accessible to more and more couples looking to add an "exotic twist" to their special day. Properly planned, a destination wedding can not only save you money, it can turn your wedding day into an unforgettable vacation for you and your guests. Destination Weddings can save you about $20,000.00 off the cost of a traditional wedding.

Destination Weddings are Fun for Everyone

Destination Weddings can be fun and relaxing experience for you and your guests

Most people who attend destination weddings use the opportunity as a vacation for themselves. What's more fun than hanging with family and friends at a beautiful location away from home, celebrating the joining of families. There are many activities that can be planned as a family or when its time to sneak away you can do that as well. Most resorts have kids clubs so when the adults want to do adult things they are able to do so. There are also adult only options available. The options are limitless!

Why CBE Vacations?

Making sure guest are taken care of properly and the ability to find suitable and affordable accommodations for guest is most often more important to the bride and groom than their own plans. However, when guest are left to fend for themselves it is difficult to make sure guest get plans that are convenient, affordable, and close to "where all the action is." In addition, when guest book their own travel arrangements through various sources, if a hotel oversells (which happens often) some guest could end up getting moved to another resort and out of the loop as well as pay additional fees just to attend the wedding ceremony.

Even worse, without the expertise of a travel professional couples and their guests are often talked into accepting "group rates" when the individual rates would have been better, or stuck with individual rates when group rates may have been available. Bottom line you want someone with buying and negotiating power on your side. Someone like a Chocolate Brown Destination Wedding Specialist!

We have agents that are not only travel professional, they are also certified wedding planners. We can do everything for you! For a short summary of our Wedding Planning services click here.

Ready to start planning your wedding Today? Click the link above select the wedding package you are interested in, and complete the form. We will match you with your own personal Certified Destination Wedding Specialist. Your personal planner along with our team of specialist will put all the details together. We will create your own personal web page including your personal login and password. Your guest will be able to contact us directly.  You will receive an email update every time one of your guest book. This allow you to focus on other details, and leave the travel and/or planning details to us! 

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